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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blogs & download




by auction
Welkom op Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris . Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-regelement-flat geeft u uit diverse bronnen actueel nieuws en links op het gebied van huishoudelijke-regelement-flat. Zo toont Nirlaw Hypotheek en notaris huishoudelijke-re

Archbishop of Canterbury Visits President of Tanzania Amid Anglican Summit

by YukihiroKawashi & 1 other
The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has made a courtesy visit to President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania on 16th February and paid tribute to the progress the country has made in recent years


XW24 Blogging

by Ronny
Some people were upset with being told to take those specific days off. Most understood the reasoning for it, even though the powers that be tried to put a positive spin on it.

Welcome To Grouper

by slogoo & 25 others
无缝导入,编辑和共享你的视频文件的平台. v2.0的Grouper, 只适用于Windows系统, 要求下载一个客户端, 可以无限量上传图片和视频文件, 任何内容可以被设置成公开, 私密或对特定人群开放. 内容发布


by cascamorto & 7 others
Downloadblog nasce nell'agosto 2005 all'interno del network, per fornire agli appassionati informazioni aggiornate sul software e i servizi web che si possono trovare su Internet. L'obiettivo è fornire notizie, spunti e trucchi con la tempestività e la spontaneità tipica dei migliori blog. Downloadblog non vuole essere un sito come tanti altri che si occupano degli stessi temi. Downloadblog offre link e punti di partenza per i lettori, non si mette in cattedra. Accetta suggerimenti e stimola i commenti dei lettori. Le fonti originali delle notizie sono sempre citate, per completezza e per correttezza. Il lettore, non più fruitore passivo, può dire la sua in un dialogo diretto con gli autori di Downloadblog attraverso i commenti, fornendo critiche, suggerimenti o informazioni aggiuntive, a disposizione di tutti i lettori. Il sito è scritto e curato da Luca Lizzeri, Francesco Fullone, Antonio Parziale e Cristian Conti. Se vuoi collaborare con Downloadblog o pensi di avere una notizia interessante, invia un messaggio e-mail a [email protected]. Oppure, segnalaci un post tramite, con tag downloadblog.

dcBlogmark v1.1 : gestionnaire de blogmark pour DotClear.

by cascamorto
* Ajout des champs langue et commentaire ainsi que d'un champs personnalisable. Celui-ci n'a pas de fonction précise, il vous servira à mieux adapter dcBlogmark à votre utilisation si vous en éprouvez le besoin. * Utilisation du journal système de DotClear * Ajout d'un bookmarklet pour ajouter très facilement des blogmarks * Fils de syndication des blogmarks au format RSS 0.91, 1.0, 2.0 et Atom 0.3. * Aide en ligne * Meilleure intégration visuelle à DotClear * Les caractères HTML du titre sont à présents encodé lors de leur renvoi par la fonction get()



by cascamorto & 7 others
TipMonkies covers various aspects of technology, from software, hardware, services, hacks, etc. and attempts to bring these topics to the reader in a way that anyone can understand covering tools which you may not know even existed! Part blog, part education database, part tech, all life…TipMonkies aims to make computer use easier and more productive.

*** ***

by cascamorto
Vous trouverez ici, je l'espère, les infos et les logiciels néceswares à l'utilisation de Windows! Je m'appelle Gilles Lucato, je suis à Montpellier et je compte vous faire profiter des conseils que je dispense tous les jours aux amis, aux collègues de travail et aux entreprises de la région LR... à travers des sites comme Transferts LR, Clusir LR, Pole TiiM.

best today link

by hurlantenova
best today link 3d accessibilité ajax animation apache api apple art atom audio bd bittorrent blog blogging blogs book bookmark bookmarks books browser business cinema cms color css culture database design dev dictionnaire documentation dom dotclear download dvd email extension feed firefox flash flickr font fonts forum fr france free freeware fun funny game games geek gmail google graphisme greasemonkey hardware history hosting howto html humor humour illustration image images informatique internet ipod java javascript jeux lang:fr library libre links linux mac magazine mail map maps marketing media microsoft mobile movie mozilla mp3 music musique mysql network news online opensource p2p paris pdf photo photography photos photoshop php plugin podcast podcasting politics politique programming python radio recherche reference rss ruby science search security shop shopping social software spam standards tag tags tech technology test tips tool tools travel tutorial tv video w3c web web2.0 webdesign wiki windows wordpress xhtml xml xmlhttprequest yahoo

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag blogs

3d +   accessibilité +   ajax +   animation +   apache +   api +   apple +   art +   atom +   audio +   bd +   bittorrent +   blender +   blog +   blogging +   bloguer +   book +   bookmark +   bookmarks +   books +   browser +   business +   cinema +   cms +   color +   constitution +   cool +   css +   cuisine +   culture +   database + +   design +   dev +   dictionnaire +   documentation +   dom +   dotclear +   dow +   download +   frwikipedia +   internet +   linux +   opensource +   php +   tags +   ubuntu +   webdesign +   webstandards +   xhtml +  

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last mark : 13/12/2005 13:56