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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & springnetdelicious

17 July 2006

Seth's Blog: How to live happily with a great designer

by springnet & 1 other
Why do some organizations look great... and get great results from their design efforts and ads... while others languish in mediocrity? I think it has little to do with who they hire and a lot to do with how they work with their agencies and designers.

OmniNerd - Articles: Fueling a Lifestyle

by springnet
Changing driving habits introduce a profound effect on fuel savings for any vehicle. In brief, the following tips collectively save gas in the long run. * slower acceleration * reduced top speed * proper tire inflation * using cruise control

13 July 2006

lists:thingsyoucandowithrss [TimYangWiki]

by springnet & 16 others
more to rss than just blog syndication and news aggregation If the originating news sources allow it, you can syndicate their articles on your site. RSS-conversion tools like, FeedDigest,, Feed2js,,, R

12 July 2006


by springnet & 3 others
What will float and what will sink in the Web 2.0 space. - Intellectual Activity on Web 2.0

by springnet & 2 others
How is it that the day I make a '33 places to social network' list, two very related things happen. Apparently Bebo turned down a $550 million offer from a British Telecom company and say they wanted a billion, and MySpace was named the top (most-traffick

11 July 2006

.: No Chick Trix :. Artificial Intelligence: A Blonde Coloring Her Hair Brunette

by springnet & 1 other
This weekend was 'lets bust our asses cleaning' weekend. A lot of it involved me letting go of things I have saved for years. It's amazing what can be kept in the name of nostalgia. The first part was hard. I had to sift through cards and letters from old

10 July 2006

10 Killer Post Ideas |

by springnet & 5 others
Ever get writer's block? 'Course you do, we all do at one time. Have you ever posted what you thought was a killer post only to get no response at all? We have all posted stinkers that were greeted with tumble weeds, I know I have. Here are ten proven pos

You’re It!

by springnet & 18 others
The Tagging 2.0 panel I organized at South by SouthWest 2006 in March is now a Tagging 2.0 podcast among the many SXSW 2006 podcasts you can download.The Tagging 2.0 panel was one of the “highly-rated panels” this year, tied for first place with a num

09 July 2006

by springnet
* August 6th - Esther comes to England. We spend most of the time in Devon, UK and then we spend a few days in London, UK too. Maybe a party * August 20th - We leave for America. Galesburg, Illinois to be exact. Where I'll spend atleast a month a

04 July 2006

21 June 2006

by springnet & 7 others
I recently had the opportunity to sit down for a lengthy conversation about Web 2.0 with Adobe's technical evangelist, Duane Nickull, who has some interesting perspectives on the topic. Tim O'Reilly famously defined Web 2.0 as a set of "design patterns an

Web 2.0 Workgroup - A network of Web 2.0 resources

by springnet & 27 others
The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content about the new generation of the Web. Combined, these sites reach a large readership of influential technology and media professionals. If you would like to subscribe to all of these

20 June 2006

Cameron Olthuis

by springnet & 1 other
For at least half the searches I perform now Delicious serves up far better results than Google. They’re better because they’re community driven. Other people just like myself have bookmarked and tagged these sites as their favorites. I know that if 2

19 June 2006

16 June 2006

01 June 2006

Utterly True Adventures of a Pathological Liar

by springnet
As I walk through dust villages where water is scarce and food little more than air, I shudder at the ever-lacking life of suburbia. We never have enough. Even those willing to sacrifice time and expend energy to fight ignorance or raise awareness cannot

29 May 2006

28 May 2006

22 May 2006

21 May 2006

Vamsi Gangavalli’s Weblog

by springnet
theme that optimizes adsense ads in wordpress

Active users

last mark : 17/07/2006 20:46