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PUBLIC MARKS with tags blog & software

2021 : toutes les news high-tech pour les geeks !

by johndoe est un blog sur la culture geek qui vous propose des actualités, conseils et tutoriels sur l'informatique, le digital, la technologie et le business.




OnSwipe - Insanely Easy Tablet Publishing

by gregg (via)
WHAT IS ONSWIPE? OnSwipe is a platform that makes it insanely easy for publishers of all sizes to make their content and advertising a beautiful experience on touch-enabled devices via Web browser.



Trails of EasyExtend » Blog Archive » Guido is my problem - Projects and projections

by greut

Our software is as brittle as 15-20 years ago. Reusable objects and framework superstructures have failed. UML has failed. Even design pattern have failed as they turned out to be more idiomatic than universal. What’s left are lightweight programming languages which let us glue things together. Some are user friendly and don’t suck badly. That’s still the best we have.

Lua, are you there?


[HOT] 15 outils de gestion de projet | Le blog de Yohann CIURLIK | Spawnrider.Net :: Blog

by camel & 3 others (via)
Smashing Magazine, dont la réputation n’est plus à faire, vient de publier un article présentant 15 outils de gestion de projet.

vee - Google Code

by srt
Vee is a command-line blog tool that is very portable across Unix systems. It provides an interactive as well as a batch interface to maintain a log of entries. Formatting is done using a module architecture that allows a high degree of customization. The

Inside Innovation with Colin Stewart » Blog Archive » 11 innovation lessons from creators of World of Warcraft -

by greut & 1 other

“One of the mantras that a large software development company uses is ‘Fail Often, Fail Fast,’ ” Wartenberg said.

I believe in failure too.


by jdrsantos
Weird musings. Useful software. Geeking out.

MarsEdit 2 - Powerful Blog Publishing For Your Mac

by sbrothier & 5 others
Browser-based interfaces are slow, clumsy, and require you to be online to use them. While your blog's web interface struggles to perform the simplest of tasks, MarsEdit uses the power of your Mac to provide an amazing blog editing experience. MarsEdit is a desktop blog editor, so you can write a blog without giving up the comforts of your Mac.


by Spone & 7 others
Chyrp is a blogging engine designed to be very lightweight while retaining functionality. It is driven by PHP and MySQL (with some AJAX thrown in), and has a pimpin’ theme and module engine, so you can personalize it however you want.

35 Absolutely Essential Mac Apps - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog

by sbrothier & 1 other
For one reason or another, a lot of freelancers use Macs. It may be the raw power, the stability or they may just look rather - cool? Well, both of us know why that really is. It’s the apps! The software that makes the hardware bling, and it’s not necessarily thanks to Apple. Aperture and iCal may be nice, but often we rely on the smaller, even more useful applications. Here’s a list of great little applications that the Mac-powered freelancer should consider.


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