public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from xenomorph with tags linux & info-sec

August 2006

BackTrack -

by 2 others
Combining the best features from both distributions, and paying special attention to small details, this is probably the best version of either distributions to ever come out. Based on SLAX (Slackware), BackTrack provides user modularity. This means the distribution can be easily customised by the user to include personal scripts, additional tools, customised kernels, etc.

Main Page - Docupedia

RealCLIP - Main entry point for discussion and documentation on the RealCLIP project Linux Howtos - Everything from SuSE and Redhat to Debian and Lucix Unix Howtos - Unix Based Systems like FreeBSD and OpenBSD. Mac Howtos - Apple howtos for PPC and x86, iPods, and the like. Embeded Howtos - These are howtos for embeded devices like the WRT54GS routers from linksys Windows Howtos - Howtos for Windows OS and applications. Web Based Howtos - OS independant tutorials. Others - Those that do not fit anywhere else...

June 2006


openSIMS is a Security Infrastructure Management Systems distributed as an open source project through SourceForge, using a modified Mozilla Public License. OpenSIMS ties together the open source tools used for security event management into a common infrastructure. These tools include NMap, Snort, and many others. The best way to experience openSIMS is by downloading the openSIMS liveCD.

February 2006



December 2005

Securing and Hardening Linux Production Systems

by 5 others
A Practical Guide to Basic Security in Linux Production Environments (Linux Security Cookbook / HOWTO / Guide)

Linux security learning guide

by 1 other
Linux security w/ search, terms and more...

September 2005

August 2005


Linux Security Resources

Security-Enhanced Linux

NSA Security Enhanced Linux


Forensic and Incident Response Environment Bootable CD

PHLAK :: [P]rofessional [H]acker's [L]inux [A]ssault [K]it - ::

PHLAK is a modular live security Linux distribution. PHLAK comes with two light gui's (fluxbox and XFCE4), many security tools, and a spiral notebook full of security documentation. PHLAK is a derivative of Morphix, created by Alex de Landgraaf.

Openwall Project:

by 2 others
Information Security software for open environments

Portable Linux Auditing CD

by 1 other
PLAC is a business card sized bootable cdrom running linux. It has network auditing, disk recovery, and forensic analysis tools. ISO will be avialable and scripts to roll you own cd.

Hakin9 Official Web Site

Hakin9 Magazine: Since the second issue onwards our magazine contains - a bootable distribution (based on Aurox Live) containing all the tools and materials needed for practising methods and techniques described in our articles.