public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from xenomorph with tags hacking & networking

February 2006

LinksysWrt54g - Seattle Wireless

HardwareComparison | AccessPointsRouters/802.11g | LinksysWrv54g | LinksysWrt54g | LinksysWRT54GS | WAP54G | WET54G | WRK54G

September 2005

Is It True

Security, Penetration Testing and Hacking Tips for network Administrators

August 2005

IANA Port Numbers

PORT NUMBERS (last updated 18 August 2005) The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the Well Known Ports, the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports. The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023. The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151 The Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535