public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from xaxxy with tags graphics & 3d

May 2006

Serenity 2 - The tutorial - LWG v3.0

As promised, with this thread I will be showing the construction of the Firefly class vessel. You will need to be proficient with vertibevel, rounder or the Smooth Shift and Bevel tools.

April 2006

March 2006

June 2005

Google Earth, browse the World in 3D, Real time.

According to Windipundit, Google is releasing to selected Keyhole users a beta version of the Google Earth application.

May 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia Sony ImageWorks/Rythm & Hues (2005) Movie News, Articles, Images. - CG Explorer

Latest news about Disney's movie based on C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia. Director: Andrew Adamson. Release date: 9 December 2005.

April 2005

3D Studio MAX Discreet News Links Resources - CG Explorer

by 1 other (via)
Latest news about 3D Studio MAX, the 3D Rendering and Modeling Application by Discreet. Links to reviews, books, tutorials, 3d models, updates.