public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from tadanderson with tags sei & ProductLineEngineering


Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond (2nd Edition) Book Review

This book is the bible of documenting software architectures. It is a mandatory read for all software architects.

Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach Book Review

All in all anyone interested in Software Architecture would benefit from reading this book. It contains a ton of great information from all the best resources on software architecture and does a great job of putting them into context.

Applied Software Product Line Engineering Book Review

The authors of this book represent an all-star lineup of the best of the best in the Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) field. They do a great job of providing a snapshot of the current SPLE best practices in the industry today....


New Webinar Series on Software Product Lines has started

The first in a series of 3 Webinars on Software Product Lines is available to watch on line.


Architecture and the Quality Attributes Modifiability and Extensibility

Modifiability and Extensibility are two of the most important Quality Attributes, yet they are often overlooked. SEI has compiled a new paper on Modifiability tactics that is definitely worth checking out.

A Framework for Software Product Line Practice, Version 5.0 is Available!!!!!

The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon has released their Framework for Software Product Line Practice, Version 5.0.

Coming Soon: Version 5.0 of SEI's Framework for Software Product Line Practice

A new version of the Framework for Software Product Line Practice (version 5.0), is being built and is supposed to be released sometime in late summer.