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PUBLIC MARKS from stan with tags age & déplétion

22 August 2006 14:15

Post Carbon Institute | Reduce / Produce - Reduce Consumption, Produce Locally

by 1 other
OUR MISSION The mission of Post Carbon Institute is to assist communities in the effort to Relocalize and adapt to an energy constrained world. Post Carbon Institute is a think, action and education tank offering research, project tools, education and information to implement proactive strategies to adapt to an energy constrained world. The development of Post Carbon Institute came out of concern for the environmental, social, political and economic ramifications of global over-reliance on cheap energy. Our main response to these concerns is the strategy of Relocalization, which aims to rebuild societies based on the local production of food and energy, and the Relocalization of currency, governance and culture. The main goals of Relocalization are to increase community energy security, strengthen local economies, and dramatically improve environmental conditions and social equity.

stan's TAGS related to tag age

after +   après +   carbon +   déplétion +   indépendance +   énergie +   énergétique +   oil +   pétrole +   pétrolière +   post +   relocalisation +