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PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags "data recovery" & internet

March 2009

Remote Backups: Taking The Worry Out of Your Day.

by 1 other
Working on online can be hectic and that means that you dont always have the time to make the right decisions about data protection issues. That what you need a top notch remote backups system . There are a variety of good things that can happen when ...

February 2009

Online Data Storage: Un-Hip But Effective

by 1 other
Though the darlings at Lifehacker would have you believe online data storage is a new technology, they're wrong. Online data storage is not some novel idea. Nor was it an idea that only recently came upon the ultra-hip the market. Indeed, contrary t...

November 2008

Data Protection Means a Lot To Your Franchise

by 1 other
Here's a scenario that no one wants to think about even though it's one that could easily happen to you. Imagine that you're in charge of your own franchise and you've got someone in change of data protection but they're doing the things the old way an...