public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags blog & fashion


Make my lemonade

by 1 other
Je suis Lisa, je vis à Paris, je ne suis pas une vraie parisienne . J’ai un vrai penchant pour les choses sucrées, la couture, les choses du passé mais aussi les lignes épurées du design contemporain. Ce blog est un moyen de partager ma passion pour la couture et la mode. Mais aussi pour vous communiquer mon excitation lors de la préparation d’une fête (du décor jusqu’à la cuisine).


Tough Talk On Emmanuelle Alt, Vogue Paris, Recycled Creativity, & Robo Websites - 2 Anne Enke's Sensuality Blog -

I may have been the first fashion and style writer to call out big concerns about Emmanuelle Alt’s visionary capacity to lead Vogue Paris, but I’m no longer alone. It’s fine for Alt to lead the magazine in a new direction, but creative, captivating originality and freshness must rule. Carine Roitfeld is a tough act to follow. If she goes into the magazine business as rumoured, let Vogue Paris pray it’s only a semi-annual or quarterly.


Interview Magazine First Mag for Ipad | TrendLand -> Fashion Blog & Trend Magazine

Last month CondeNast announced iPad versions of 5 of their titles were being prepped,(not for Vogue and W yet!) . Interview, however, is taking the plunge. Back in February, a video demo of their iPad app ( see below) , showing the photography and text of the magazine intermixed with video and audio content.



by 1 other launched July 2007, because there was something missing from our world covering design/tech/art and food... Fashion! The art of wearables and accessories which complete our trifecta of designer passions to obsess about. So NotCouture has stepped in to fill the void with all of your luxe and fashion indulgences. Some of the mens and women's pieces that appear are truly inspiring visually, even if they don't make it into your closet.

yatzer | designistoshare

Yatzer is a design Blog / Magazine with prime focus to locate, collect and share all the beautiful things within the creative world and make its viewers aware of all the very latest and most unique items from all the creative fields such as architecture, art, interiors, industrial design, graphics and fashion. Yatzer aims to generate an interactive Design Community, where well established designers, new designers, students and design addicts from all disciplines will have the opportunity to interact, promote and discuss their work. Yatzer also aims to establish a network of collaborations with other design and arts related on & offline magazines and blogs, as well as design & art institutions, organizations and schools, so as to offer its users and sponsors the most premium experience and ultimate reach. All the posted items launched are solely based on its founder’s personal aesthetics and design visions, which Yatzer share with all the design-addicts in the universe, because we believe that ‘design is to share’.


Dedicated to beauty, art, and freedom of expression, OhlalaBlog is an internationally aclaimed blog/magazine and photograph journal about fabulous people, style, culture, entertainent, and travel.

The trendy Girl

by 2 others (via)
fashion, beauty, home & lifestyle for trendy girlz



Fan des Ramones... ma vitamine. Fan des chiffons...même si l´habit ne fait pas...le quoi déjà? Fan de Tim Burton... crazy imagination. Fan de comédies musicales..."amour, amour, je t´aime tant, lalalalalala" (Peau d´Ane). Fan de bien manger...mon dessert de l´année "l´ile flottante aux pralines" du resto Aux Lyonnais. Fan de shoes...une collectionneuse!


Romain Bernardie James and Marion Paris

I use both digital and traditionnal cameras. Tools : Canon 350D, Canon 5D, Canon A1, Nikon EM, Nikkormat, Certo6, Polaroid Barbie edition 600, Lomo Smena. and check the party photo blog l'aperolog

print & pattern

by 15 others
Bowie style : i am designer and trend forecaster with a passion for pattern in all its forms.


: clayton james cubitt :

clayton james cubitt's mom was a teenage runaway, go-go dancing at a club on bourbon street in new orleans. his dad was a canadian national running pot over the border from mexico.

CREAM , gadgets, design, mode, culture

by 7 others
La crème de la crème : design, fashion, gadget, restaurants, tendances