public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rrhobbs with tags neogeography & gps

05 September 2008

A2B Location-Based Search Engine

by 4 others
Find websites by geographic position | Mobile searching with free GPS software | GeoURL/Geotags | META tag compatible

03 September 2008

Gravity College

Search and zoom to 1,000,000+ miles of trails

29 August 2008

19 August 2008

The AnyGeo Blog - Anything Geospatial

Following The Geospatial Web - A GISuser's blog about GIS, the Geo web2.0, GPS, maps, google maps, google earth & anything geospatial - for GIS / Geospatial users and enthusiasts - from the Founder/Managing Editor of and

16 August 2008

11 August 2008

09 August 2008

Auto-Geotagged Photos at

"CNet | WebWare | Geotate service geared to ease geotagging | By Stephen Shankland | January 30, 2008 4:43 PM PST | …via Explorers on the Moon | Geotagging Made Easy"