public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rike_ with tags php & web

October 2007

May 2006


by 4 others
TinyButStrong is a library that enables you to create HTML pages dynamically. It's a Template Engine for the PHP language. It enables you to easily display information from your database, but also to seriously harmonize and simplify your PHP programming. TinyButStrong is oriented to HTML but not specialized to Html. This means it can work as well with Text files, XML, RSS, RTF, ... TinyButStrong's trumps: -> simplicity : 1 file only, 1 Php class only with 8 methods and 3 properties. -> visual / WYSIWYG Html editors (such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage) friendly, -> database friendly, -> fast development

October 2005

CMS > Miniclear

by 2 others
Ce petit CMS n'utilise pas de base de données, juste des fichiers. Grâce à wiki2xhtml, le formatage des pages est simple. Et grâce à XMLHTTPRequest, on peut voir les pages se construire en quasi wysiwyg (à utiliser avec précaution)...


by 4 others
Full featured photo gallery PHP script - GnuGPL

rike_'s TAGS related to tag php

blog +   cms +   fancy +   flash +   form +   framework +   gallery +   html +   image +   javascript +   library +   mootools +   mysql +   newsletter +   politics +   script +   web +   web authoring +   xml +