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PUBLIC MARKS from norequest with tags culture & "Arne Duncan"

18 October 2010 05:15

Learning a Language Cure for Symptoms of Baldness?

Every time I'm at International Departures at Kennedy, I've got to laugh when I see the Rosetta Stone language learning kiosk. I can imagine the checklist of the international traveller who stops off there to pick up a language program. Let's seeā€¦ socks, toothbrush, passport, and, right, pick up a language at the airport. Is the plan to learn the language on the flight over? Or is it just no plan at all? I've tried it, when I was selected by the University of New Mexico as an exchange student with my Japanese University (Kansai Gaidai). In typical UNM student fashion, I decided it would be easier to put off learning the language until departure. In a 14 hour flight, I mastered "yes" and "thank you," and was still working on "no" when we arrived in Narita. In retrospect, I think my study time would have been better spent had I concentrated on learning "where is the bathroom?"

norequest's TAGS related to tag culture

Arne Duncan +   asia +   history +   language +   multilingual +   rosetta stone +   thailand +   Tom Adams +