public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from norequest with tag culture


Learning a Language Cure for Symptoms of Baldness?

Every time I'm at International Departures at Kennedy, I've got to laugh when I see the Rosetta Stone language learning kiosk. I can imagine the checklist of the international traveller who stops off there to pick up a language program. Let's seeā€¦ socks, toothbrush, passport, and, right, pick up a language at the airport. Is the plan to learn the language on the flight over? Or is it just no plan at all? I've tried it, when I was selected by the University of New Mexico as an exchange student with my Japanese University (Kansai Gaidai). In typical UNM student fashion, I decided it would be easier to put off learning the language until departure. In a 14 hour flight, I mastered "yes" and "thank you," and was still working on "no" when we arrived in Narita. In retrospect, I think my study time would have been better spent had I concentrated on learning "where is the bathroom?"


Easy Chiang Mai - Thailand Culture

I was looking for info on the culture and history in thailand. This site has loads of pictures and all about what to do when you go there.

norequest's TAGS related to tag culture

Arne Duncan +   asia +   history +   language +   multilingual +   rosetta stone +   thailand +   Tom Adams +