27 June 2007 04:00
Discover Silk Greenery
The term greenery is generally used to describe the foliage of a plant, whether it is live or artificial. This may follow a literal interpretation and be taken to mean only green foliage. However, variegated foliage with other colors, inclusive of green, can be included in this definition. There is a large variety of silk greenery in existence today. They usually fall into the categories of silk bushes silk ferns, and silk garlands and swags.
27 June 2007 03:45
Set The Mood of your interiors
Enhance the mood of your interiors with silk topiaries. Decorating using artificial topiary trees is much like an art with a little science in it. It is an art in that it is a skill that you need to acquire but it is also a science in that certain colors will always blend with certain colors, shapes with certain shapes, and so on
(2 marks)