October 2007
Troubled Waters
(via)"Troubled Waters" is an authentic task dealing with different factors and how they change certain parameters in a river. Several of these parameters are dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrates, and fecal coliform bacteria.
Students will be using the modeling tool STELLA. Students will run a river model, interpret graphs, and adjust a variable such as wind speed and sewage load to determine the effects on Dissolved oxygen levels.
December 2006
Con Con Simcon
In Simcon, you are in charge of writing a constitution for your country. You choose clauses about everything, from who is in charge and how often there are elections to whether the states have taxation powers.
Then when you hit a button, Simcon considers all your choices and tells you what sort of government you've created, as well as how your country rates in terms of trade, wealth, freedom, stability and militarism.
In Simcon, you can create a tolerant, open democracy, or a ruthless totalitarian dictatorship, or even a multiparty religious monarchy. It's entirely up to you whether your citizens live in prosperous freedom or miserable oppression and poverty.
November 2006
The Breathing Earth
by 17 othersOnline simulation showing the birth, death rates, and effects of carbon dioxide emissions by various countries. Great for classroom discussions.
(3 marks)