public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from knann with tags graphs & hsvt

June 2007

Gapminder - Presentations

Gapminder is a non-profit venture developing information technology for provision of free statistics in new visual and animated ways. Goal: enable you to make sense of the world by having fun with statistics. Method: turn boring data into enjoyable interactive animations using Flash technology. Gapminder is a Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. Funding has been mainly by grants from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. In collaboration with United Nations Statistic Division Gapminder promote free access to searchable public data and all animations of different types of data are freely available at

January 2007

IDB Population Pyramids

by 1 other (via)
Create population pyramids for any country in the world

knann's TAGS related to tag graphs

charts +   district +   es:ss +   esvt +   hs:social studies +   hsvt +   interactive +   ms:ss +   msvt +   statistics +