public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags personal & SocialNetworking

November 2006

Lists of Bests

by 5 others
again, I am fascinated by lists of bests, especially as related to literature; they comprise both an ideology of the canon and a sociology of popular tastes, a la Bourdieu; in an extended form, they comprise much of – The Social Music Revolution

by 177 others
a web2.0 radio listening site; you can see others' tastes and perhaps pick up some tips from them; like Pandora, it learns your tastes

Please help me find movies that end with the main character dying. | Ask MetaFilter

It's a query that garnered 135 comments and added film titles within ten days. It lets me think MetaFilter might be fun for students, to craft media-related questions that would get lots of responses, simple queries like this one.

Adding meaning and value to information

what we do with information that might make it useful and desirable to others

Storytelling in Flickr on Flickr

various modes of flickr storytelling are described, and the keywords needed to get to them


complete book online, covers many areas often not dealt with, such as porn sites and dating sites; one insight that may draw you to read more: "the times that count in cyberspace are highly accelerated and strongly individualized."


by 26 others
Create a map of your life* Build a map for your event* Make a travelogue* Create a map with photos and videos

Henry Jenkins: Taking the You Out of YouTube?

what kinds of censorship face You Tube and My Space, in addition to the site's ownership of content?

July 2006