public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags participatoryjournalism & politics

November 2006

Open Source Radio Show

"Every time we have an idea for an hour of radio we post it to the site." Via blog viewers help build shows which air after research.

ZoneZero: from analog to digital photography

a large socially committed ejournal, edited by Pedro Meyer, one of the pioneers in digital photographic art; galleries, essays, investigations into image circulation and production within digital communication, especially the Internet

WWF - A way of life threatened by climate change

an audio/slideshow with native peoples of Alaska testifying to effects of climate change

SF Gate: Sex trafficking from South Korea to US

During their trip to South Korea, Chronicle reporter Meredith May and staff photographer Deanne Fitzmaurice found that while the public sex industry has slowed, parts of the business has gone underground and is still alive and well. Audio/slideshow in 4 p

October 2006

DIY Media Weblog

new blog as of Sept 06, good authors; participatory democracy in Internet communications

Pew Internet: Future of the Internet

well worth downloading and printing the 104 pp PDF document; the list of contributors alone is worth following up on; especially interesting on the inequalities and possibilities for repression

September 2006

Lens On Lebanon

"documentary material, photo narratives, and video diaries of daily life conceived, produced, and contributed by residents of Lebanon"

August 2006

Brasscheck TV (not related to, except in spirit)

brilliant compilation of mostly YouTube clips of media about political issues that is censored or just not shown in the US; sign up for email notices about new postings

left media resources

left links to alternate analysis of current and historical events

June 2006

May 2006