public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags film & feminism

December 2006

November 2006

Notes on The Gaze

Daniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory Accessible Writing

by 3 others
large collection of academic essays; "such diverse topics as art, architecture, race, Internet studies, sexuality, drama, design, multimedia, and current social issues. Also hypertext and streaming audio and video recordings."

Communication Studies Resources: The University of Iowa

one of the largest set of links, updated regularly, to all aspects of communication; many political themes; a wide range of disciplinary approaches included; highly recommended

Literary Theory. Literary Criticism

very large site, also contains links for art and film, among other things, lots of branching possiblities

September 2006

Film Bibliographies: Media Resources Center UCB

Good place to start research for both scholars and students, comprehensive resource collection for film studies at UC-Berkeley: Bibliographies here for many film/TV Topics,Themes, Genres, Directors; on National Cinemas; and on Individual Films/Videos; Ful

Film Studies Resources - Academic Info

useful site with lots of resources: bibliographies, "digital library" links, academic programs listed; full text artices; Online Film Collections, Archives, Themes: women, genre, theory; Film History, silent and sound eras, International--by region; Indiv

Resource Discovery Network

excellent UK academic search tool for all disciplines. I looked up "film theory,' "feminism" and "television" and got useful results of sites I had not visited before, and some I had.

July 2006

Lesage web site

full text essays, course material

Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media

analyses with extensive visual examples; archives of print issues since 1974

June 2006

EServer: Cultural Studies and Critical Theory

large bibliography with links to many full text essays--american studies, critical legal studies, literature, marxism, media, popular culture, postcolonialism, queer, race, women's studies