public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from jlesage with tags Pedagogy & television

04 December 2006

27 November 2006

Mojiti-video commentary software

by 11 others
useful for teachers making clips to analyze in class; "personalize any video with your story. With visual spotlights, you can narrate your personal videos, add captions or subtitles, or comment on any scene."

18 November 2006

Category D: A Film and Media Studies Blog: The Intro Textbook: A Comparison

an entry in a film blog that I like that compares and contrasts the Film 101 textbooks commonly used

14 November 2006

Low Probability of Racoons - Hypertext and Flash animated poems

uses the duration of video to make kinetic poetry that has a narrative in the words and beyond them; nice example for students of simple form with complex effects

The Dead - Billy Collins Animated Poem

video by Juan Delcan; model for students about good uses of new form of production and exhibition

06 November 2006

31 October 2006

Dr. Helena Sheehan / Home Page

much material on her media and society courses, including powerpoint lectures

11 October 2006

Lesson Plans for Digital Storytelling

this is a lesson plan that could be adapted for different ages or kinds of classes, e.g., composition or video production or narrative arts