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PUBLIC MARKS from jaap with tags singer & lenz

24 June 2006 02:45

alev lenz

lev Lenz is a singer, composer, writer and piano player. Alev was born on january the 17th 1982 in Munich. Her mother is turkish, her father german. Alev speaks german, english, turkish and french. - First music lessons at the age of 4 - Piano lessons since 1989 - First english lyrics at the age of 8 - Classical singing education since 1998 - 2001 graduation (A-average) - 2002 starting of the band "Alev", more than 150 gigs since - 2002 BMG Publishing deal - 2004 record deal with S.A.D. Music (Germany), december 6th 2004 release of debut album of the band "Alev": "We live in paradise" - 2005 record deal with Eclipse Records (USA), release: august 2005 - Student of distance learning for politics since 2005 (University of Hagen, Germany) - October 2005 separation from the band "Alev" - Since 2004 work on her solo project - Album "Basics Baby, Basics!" with 13 Tracks complete

jaap's TAGS related to tag singer

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