October 2007
The horror is getting to Matt Taibbi
Exclusive Q&A with writer Taibbi. Snippet - "If and when I ever get to be Interior Minister, one of my first acts is going to be the putting to death of anyone who thinks God interferes in the outcome of things like sporting events and elections. I'd want to have a giant shark tank built expressly for this purpose. Just throw them in there and then dump a couple of barrels of cow blood in the water..."
May 2007
Four on the floor: The I word gains traction
"Word outta here is that a another member of the U.S. House has signed onto Rep. Dennis Kucinich's Cheney impeachment bill..."
April 2007
Pelosi 'totally opposed' to impeachment
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a blogger call this afternoon to discuss the reconciled House/Senate Iraq spending bill. Perhaps the most interesting moment of the conference came when Pelosi was asked directly whether she supported articles of impeachment against the President...
(3 marks)