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PUBLIC MARKS from interactiveguy with tags faster & computer

02 September 2011 22:00

Tips to Make Computer Run Faster

A computer is one of those devices that can make a person's life very easy but if this machine is not properly maintained than it can cause frustration among users. This is because if there is no proper maintenance than the PC becomes too slow resulting in delays in work.

02 September 2011 21:30

How to Speed UP Windows 7

Windows 7 is a new product of Microsoft but it runs slower and people are trying really hard for it to run faster. Luckily there is a tip which can be used by all (professional as well as beginners) to make a PC run like a supercomputer.

interactiveguy's TAGS related to tag faster

computer +   guide +   guidelines +   internet +   optimizer +   pc +   speedup +   tips +   windows +   windows7 +