Stocker du texte UTF-8 correctement dans une base MySQL - Le blog de jp.fox, un informaticien à la campagne...
by 3 othersL'erreur généralement commise est double :
* table créée en latin1 pour stocker de l'utf-8
* utilisation des fonctions mysql_* en latin1 avec des données utf8
Mastering regular expressions in PHP, Part 1: Perl may be regex king, but PHP can slice and dice input quickly, too
by 2 others (via)Pattern matching is such a common chore for software that a special shorthand — regular expressions — has evolved to make light work of the task. Learn how to use this shorthand in your code here in Part 1 of this "Mastering regular expressions in PHP" series.
Perfect PHP Pagination [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]
This tutorial is an attempt to further abstract a class for managing result pagination, thereby removing its dependencies on database connections and SQL queries. The approach I'll discuss provides a measure of flexibility, allowing the developer to create his or her very own page layouts, and simply register them with the class through the use of an object oriented design pattern known as the Strategy Design Pattern.
bolt.cx / xmlarray
xmlarray is a php class that parses an xml file into a multidimensional array. it greatly simplifies content syndication with rss or xml backend files.
PHP Classes - Class: HTML SQL
(via)This class can be used to parse and extract information from HTML documents using a query language similar to SQL to define the information to be extracted.
The class can open HTML documents stored as local files or as remote pages using the Snoopy class.
The class can execute a query with a syntax similar to SQL SELECT statements to search an find certain tags in the opened document with attributes that match query condition.
The occurrences that it find are returned as result set rows that may contain a given list of attributes of the matched tags.
Main Page - Practical PHP Programming
by 2 othersPractical PHP Programming was originally written by Paul Hudson in an attempt to produce a high-quality, free tutorial for people wishing to learn to program with PHP. Soon after it went online, O'Reilly agreed to publish an edited version of the book as PHP in a Nutshell, which is available from all good tech book stockists.
In late 2006, Paul opened up the copy of Practical PHP Programming as a wiki, so that everyone could contribute changes and help build an even better resource. This is what you're reading right now - go ahead and add something!
Top 7 PHP Security Blunders [PHP & MySQL Tutorials]
by 5 othersmany of these features can lead a programmer inadvertently to allow security holes to creep into a Web application.
Dynamic thumbnails and preview images with DOM, CSS and PHP
by 7 others (via)Un générateur de vignettes dynamique.
PHP Filters
by 5 othersDes fonctions pour assainir (sanitize) les entrées utilisateurs dans les formulaires dans les applis Php.
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