public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from gregR with tags code & javascript

March 2008

widgeditor - Google Code

widgEditor is a browser-based JavaScript WYSIWYG editor for HTML content. It is designed to be simple to use, have a small code footprint, and produce valid, semantic code.

December 2007


by 6 others
Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and in fact on any web pages. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds blocks of code, detects a language, highlights it.

April 2007

google-code-prettify - Google Code

by 7 others
google-code-prettify syntax highlighting of code snippets in a web page A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page.

December 2006

CodePress - Real Time Syntax Highlighting Editor written in JavaScript

by 8 others
CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser.

gregR's TAGS related to tag code

cms +   css +   fichiers +   google +   javascript +   linux +   php +   regex +   ubuntu +   webapp +   webdev +   xhtml +   xml +