October 2010
Redis, from the Ground Up ← Michael J. Russo | mjrusso.com
by 1 other (via)"A deep dive into Redis' origins, design decisions, feature set, and a look at a few potential applications."
May 2010
Announcing tempalias.com « gnegg
(via)Posts describing the development of tempalias.com, a web service for forwarding email to a temporary alias build with node.js and redis.
TwitterAlikeExample - redis - Project Hosting on Google Code
A simple real app exemple coded in PHP with redis as a database.
A fast, fuzzy, full-text index using Redis | PlayNice.ly
(via)PlayNice.ly is entirely based on a data-structure server called Redis. Redis is one of several new key-value databases which break away from traditional relational data architecture. It is simple, flexible, and blazingly fast. So why not use the tools we have already?
April 2010
Redis tutorial, April 2010 - by Simon Willison
by 1 other (via)Slides of a three hour Redis tutorial Simon Willison gave at the NoSQL Europe conference on the 22nd of April 2010.
(6 marks)