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PUBLIC MARKS from ghis with tags dvcs & tuto

June 2010

Gérez vos codes sources avec Git

by 1 other (via)
Tutoriel du "site du zéro" à propos de Git. Bonne entrée en matière, bien vulgarisé.

Git Reference

by 3 others (via)
This is the Git reference site. This is meant to be a quick reference for learning and remembering the most important and commonly used Git commands. The commands are organized into sections of the type of operation you may be trying to do, and will preset the common options and commands needed to accomplish these common tasks.

March 2010

Git it » UNIX Garden

by 2 others (via)
Dans cet article, nous abordons l’utilisation de Git, le gestionnaire de version écrit par Linus Torvalds et utilisé pour le développement du noyau Linux. Le but recherché est de donner le nécessaire pour commencer à utiliser Git tout de suite, par une approche pas à pas.

Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky

by 1 other
Mercurial is a modern, open source, distributed version control system, and a compelling upgrade from older systems like Subversion. In this user-friendly, six-part tutorial, Joel Spolsky teaches you the key concepts.

ghis's TAGS related to tag dvcs

bazaar +   branching +   bzr +   cheat sheet +   command-line +   extensions +   git +   gui +   hg +   interface +   mercurial +   subversion +   svn +   tips +   tuto +   unix +   vcs +   wallpaper +   workflow +