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PUBLIC MARKS from dikiy with tags files & python

July 2008

Creating Excel Files with Python and Django

Creating Excel Files with Python and Django

April 2008

Python Scripts and Examples - This example Python script will manipulate files and directories. (rename files) - This example Python script will rename all files in a directory. - A simple Python tkinter scripting example that will check if you are connected to the internet. EasySSHnSCP - Example Python SSH and SCP script using the pExpect python Expect module.

January 2008

ASPN : Python Cookbook : sed/awk : Python script to rename subdirectories of a directory tree, replace strings in files

I needed to write a sed/awk Python equivalent for walking into a directory tree and renaming certain subdirectories, while also looking into all xml files on the way and replacing/modifying certain strings in those files.

dikiy's TAGS related to tag files

.deb +   create +   CSV +   django +   editor +   gtd +   htaccess +   inputbox +   maemo +   multiple +   organizer +   php +   python +   replace +   roundcube +   script +   search +   sed +   store +   wiki +   xml +