public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag text


🛠 ❀ Toolpage - online tools, generators, converters, encoders, etc. -

The large collection of the most useful online tools: converters, generators, translators, calculators, encoders, decoders, etc. Easy to use and absolutely free!

🧠 Online Tool - Morse Code Translator | Morse Decoder

Morse Code Translator - Morse Decoder Easy to use Morse code translator, translate Morse code to text and text to Morse code, play the sound of the Morse code.



Drawception is a free web game that combines drawing with the classic "Telephone Game". As a phrase is drawn and described by players it changes in unexpected ways. Miscommunication and hilarity ensues!

CSS - TEXT - A Call for ::nth-everything | CSS-Tricks

::nth-word() / ::first-word / ::last-word / ::nth-last-word() We currently don't have any word-based pseudo elements. We do have word-spacing though, which is notable. One use case is similar to using ::first-letter for drop caps, only doing a whole word. article p::first-word { float: left; font-size: 300%; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; }

CSS - text-align-last property

The text-align-last property specifies how to align the last line of a text. Note: The text-align-last property will only work for elements with the text-align property set to "justify".

CSS - CSS last-line: Controlling Widows & Orphanst - The new code –

“Widows” and “orphans” refer to a word or line of text that is laid out on the page in a way that disturbs reading flow and the “look” of the page: most commonly, words that are left dangling at the end of paragraphs. In paginated media, this is commonly seen as end-of-paragraph words that fall onto the next page. TRADUCTION: "Veuves" et "orphelins" se rĂ©fĂšrent Ă  un mot ou une ligne de texte qui est disposĂ© sur la page d'une maniĂšre qui perturbe le flux de lecture et le "look" de la page: le plus souvent, les mots qui restent Ă  la fin de paragraphes. Dans les mĂ©dias paginĂ©s, ceci est gĂ©nĂ©ralement vu comme des mots de fin de paragraphe qui tombent sur la page suivante

DEV - TUTO - the new code – Web Developer Reading List: CSS Typography

A well-known dictum states that web design is 95% typography. Despite the prevalence of rich media, videos and games, people come to the web primarily to read. Making that reading experience comfortable, interesting and enjoyable is a major factor in keeping people on web sites longer and enhances their ability to retain and remember information. Goals: Control the display of web page text to enhance communication. Prerequisite: Color Total time: 8 hours


WRITING - 5 Tools Every Blogger Should be Using! – Going Big — The Official Crowdfire Blog

1. Grammarly (Addon - : Tenses, Conjunctions, Punctuation. Advise or Advice. Co-operate or Cooperate. This nifty tool helps me proofread my work of creation to make sure there are no spelling mistakes no commas missing and that my end result reads well. I just have to copy and paste my text into Grammarly’s Editor and see it work its magic! 2. Power Thesaurus ( This tool makes sure I never run out of words. Ever. Abnormality can become Anomaly, Excitement can become Exhilaration, Untidy to Unkempt, Indirect to Vicarious 
. the possibilities are endless! 3. ZenPen ( : I find myself experimenting with all of that little editing/ (formatting?) tools available at the side while writing before I even have the first sentence ready. It gives me a minimalist writing space to write my blogposts without any distractions. 4. Hemingway ( My one stop tool to refine my blog post and make it publish ready! It does everything: Highlights grammatical errors, Points out complex words and suggests alternatives, Flags passive voices, and, Highlights sentences which are difficult to read and could do with breaking lines. 5. Evernote ( Evernote is that super handy tool that helps me take the right notes, so I can bring them all together when I put pen to paper in my next blog post. Evernote lets me note down things on the go wherever I am. I can note down Texts, Images and even Audios for when I want to revisit them later.

EDITOR - Markdown Monster - TUTORIAL (image) - Getting Images into Markdown Documents and Weblog Posts with Markdown Monster – Markdown Monster Blog – Medium

Getting Images into Markdown Documents and Weblog Posts with Markdown Monster: One good justification for using a rich editor for editing Markdown or a Weblog entry is that you can provide some additional features above and beyond what a simple text or code editor can provide. When you’re creating content you are usually dealing with a number of things beyond plain text like code snippets, feature widgets and most importantly — images. Just about any document you create is likely to include some visual content in the form of images and getting images into documents should be as quick and easy as possible. In this post, I describe all the different ways available in Markdown Monster to add images to Markdown content.

BOOKMARKLET - McReadability

McReadability is a multi-column version of Arc90's Readability bookmarklet. The original Readability is now defunct, but you can still use this version. McReadability formats the text in constant-height columns. You scroll horizontally. Choose your settings and drag the McReadbility link below to your browser's toolbar.


ONLINE TOOL - Flip Title

by 1 other
Online tool help to write text upside down, Upside down text generator to create flip text! Anything you write will become flipped upside down, very easy to use. Good for names, blogs, MySpace, etc.


LOG - Ommwriter, un traitement de texte - SimpleWeb, simplifions l'internet - Part 4

Une des rĂšgles de base de l’utilisabilitĂ© est de toujours veiller Ă  ne pas surcharger un Ă©cran. Le remarquable Ommwriter, un traitement de texte qui propose la mĂȘme approche mais nettement plus raffinĂ©e avec un fond d’écran trĂšs reposant et diffĂ©rentes ambiances sonores :Le sentiment d’immersion est tout Ă  fait remarquable et les fonctions ne sont jamais trĂšs loin puisqu’en bougeant la souris vous faite apparaitre une sĂ©rie d’icĂŽnes : l’expĂ©rience utilisateur de ce Ommwriter est tout Ă  fait convaincante car extrĂȘmement aboutie Plein de bonnes idĂ©es / intentions
 mais qu’il n’est pas forcĂ©ment bon d’utiliser pour un site web. Je fais notamment rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  ces insupportables sites qui s’ouvrent dans une pop-up qui force l’affichage en plein Ă©cran, une horreur pour ceux qui utilisent des Ă©crans Ă  grandes rĂ©solution (HD ou Full HD). Bref, jusqu’oĂč peut-on aller dans la recherche de l’épuration ? (d’oĂč le titre du billet)

2010 - Un puissant editeur en ligne WYSIWYG - (InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor)

Pour faciliter l' intégration dans vos applications Web personnalisées ou de gestion de contenu web (prend en charge: ASP, PHP, ASP.NET). * Chargement rapide * Mode plein écran * Barre d'outils EntiÚrement configurable * Advanced table editing * Stylesheet-formatage * Facile de choisir entre deux formats / tous les éléments HTML * Features a new tabbed toolbar - familiar to Office 2007 users. - providing convenient access to your most-used tools. * It's easy to select any HTML elements (text, paragraphs, images, etc) with a built-in Tag Selector. * Fullscreen editing mode (doesn't open a new window). * Floating dialogs for special editing (changes can be seen immediately). * Realtime toolbar status. * Dropdowns with formatting preview. * View HTML source with code formatting & coloring. It is a cross-browser, requires only a few lines of code to include in your web page


Documentation:Modules/caca - VideoLAN Wiki

Output video with colored text instead of the image

Textarea Backup - sauvegarde le contenu des champs de saisie

Textarea Backup sauvegarde le contenu des champs de saisie pour les forums et autres sites oĂč l'on Ă©crit. Combien de fois avez-vous perdu le contenu de ce que vous tapiez, en fermant un onglet ou une fenĂȘtre par erreur ? Trop ? Ce script sauvegarde tout seul la frappe au clavier. Il suffit de revenir Ă  la page en question, mĂȘme sur un forum, et le texte revient Ă  sa place.


Ubiquity __Presentation ____Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive »

by 4 others
Mozilla Labs experiment into connecting the Web with language in an attempt to find new user interfaces that could make it possible for everyone to do common Web tasks more quickly and easily. The overall goals of Ubiquity are to explore how best to: * Empower users to control the web browser with language-based instructions. (With search, users type what they want to find. With Ubiquity, they type what they want to do.) * Enable on-demand, user-generated mashups with existing open Web APIs. (In other words, allowing everyone–not just Web developers–to remix the Web so it fits their needs, no matter what page they are on, or what they are doing.) * Use Trust networks and social constructs to balance security with ease of extensibility. * Extend the browser functionality easily.


Europeana____La future BibliothÚque Numérique Européenne

by 15 others
Présentation de la maquette de la future BibliothÚque numérique européenne/Europeana . Au-delà des déclarations politiques et des polémiques médiatiques, cette présentation faite par Catherine Lupovici démontrait de maniÚre éclatante la qualit


TextPad - the text editor for Windows

by 2 others
TextPadÂź 4.7.3 is a powerful, general purpose editor for plain text files. Easy to use, with all the features a power user requires. More ...