public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tag jQuery

June 2018

JQUERY - COOKIE - Easy jQuery Cookies: Get, Set, Update, Delete |

The jQuery cookie plugin makes it very easy to create, update and access information using cookies.

JAVASCRIPT - URL - QUERY - url - How can I get query string values in JavaScript? - Stack Overflow

Is there a plugin-less way of retrieving query string values via jQuery (or without)? If so, how? If not, is there a plugin which can do so?

December 2017

November 2017

JAVASCRIPT - Infinite Scroll - 'infinite-scroll' Questions - Page 2 - Stack Overflow

Tagged Questions: Infinite Scrolling, also known as endless scrolling, is a technique that is widely used by websites and Web applications that host lots of content on a page where pagination would traditionally have been used. Infinite scrolling involves initially loading only one page of content. As the user ...

October 2017

FIR - jQuery - Getting Started | Select2 - The jQuery replacement for select boxes

The jQuery replacement for select boxes Forums GitHub IRC Chat Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options.


jQuery.copyCSS: Quick, simple jQuery extension to retrieve or copy all styles (with optional whitelist and blacklist) from an HTML element.

JQERY - checkbox - jquery check uncheck all checkboxes with a button - Stack Overflow

I am trying to check/uncheck all checkboxes using jquery. Now by checking/unchecking the parent checkbox all the child checkboxes are getting selected/deselected also with the text of parent checkbox getting changed to checkall/uncheckall.

JQUERY CHECKBOX - PLUGIN - jQuery-CheckAll by mjball

Using the plugin: To use the checkbox with id master to control the checkboxes that are children of the form with id myForm, this is all you need:


As per the jQuery documentation there are following ways to check if a checkbox is checked or not. Lets consider a checkbox for example (Check Working jsfiddle with all examples)

jQUERY 6 video 6 HTLM 5 VIDEO AUTO PLAY JQUERY chez DuckDuckGo

Auto-play an HTML5 video on Dom Load using jQuery The jQuery selector $("#video") returns a jQuery object. Since play() is a function of the DOM element, you must get the DOM element with: $("#video").get(0); before using .play() method: $("#video").get(0).play();

July 2017

JAVASCRIPT - jQUERY - TUTO (trés facile ett documenté) - Simplifiez vos développements JavaScript avec jQuery

Avec ce cours, je vous propose de découvrir les multiples facettes du framework jQuery. De la sélection d'éléments à la manipulation du DOM, en passant par l'animation, les requêtes AJAX, l'utilisation et la création de plugins, la création de jeux et bien d'autres choses encore !

jQUERY - JAVASCRIPT - jQuery udraggable Plugin

jquery.udraggable.js This plugin provides an API similar to jQueryUI's draggable but with support for unified mouse and touch events. It builds on Michael S. Mikowski's jquery.event.ue unified event plugin.

html - Draggable div without jQuery UI - Stack Overflow

Here's another updated code: $(document).ready(function() { var $dragging = null; $('body').on("mousedown", "div", function(e) { $(this).attr('unselectable', 'on').addClass('draggable'); var el_w = $('.draggable').outerWidth(), el_h = $('.draggable').outerHeight(); $('body').on("mousemove", function(e) { if ($dragging) { $dragging.offset({ top: e.pageY - el_h / 2, left: e.pageX - el_w / 2 }); } }); $dragging = $(; }).on("mouseup", ".draggable", function(e) { $dragging = null; $(this).removeAttr('unselectable').removeClass('draggable'); }); });​

June 2017

jQuery - LIBRARY - DRAG - jQuery.event.move

Move events are designed to compliment drag events, where the two have different meanings: drag events are for transferring data while move events are for making interactive interfaces. That said, movestart, move and moveend events deliberately echo dragstart, drag and dragend events, with one main difference: where the drag event fires continuously whether you have moved the pointer or not, the move event fires only after the pointer has been moved, and only on animation frames. Where both a dragstart and any move event are bound to the same node, drag events are suppressed.

May 2017

DEV - 2009 - Useful Javascript, jQuery, and AJAX Tutorials and Resources – MLC#1 | The Blog of Joren Rapini

Many of these links are bookmarks to articles that were list themselves, so they included many items. What’s special about this list on Joren Rapini’s blog, you ask? Well, I have graciously copied and pasted the Firefox tags that I use to identify each one of these pages in my bookmarks, so you can copy and paste them right into yours! This should save you a lot of time, and give you an enormous wealth of resources to boot.

April 2017

jQuery - javascript - JS scrollbar recommendations? - Stack Overflow

by 1 other
I like to use: - Tiny Scrollbar for the minimalist design - JQuery Custom Content Scroller

jQuery - LIBRARY - SCROLL - jQuery custom content scroller – malihu | web design

by 1 other (via)
(Last updated on Jul 11, 2016 ) Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin. Features include: - vertical and/or horizontal scrollbar(s) - adjustable scrolling momentum - mouse-wheel (via jQuery mousewheel plugin) - keyboard and touch support - ready-to-use themes and customization via CSS - RTL direction support - option parameters for full control of scrollbar functionality - methods for triggering actions like scroll-to - update, destroy etc - user-defined callbacks and more.....

jQuery - LIBRARY - SCROLL - Tiny Scrollbar: A crossbrowser lightweight Javascript / jQuery scrollbar.

What is it? Tiny Scrollbar is a nice and elegant way to enable the scrolling of content on mobile and desktop devices. Its designed to be a dynamic lightweight utility. Furthermore it gives a User Interface Designer a powerful way of enhancing the Ui (user interface) of a website. It comes in 2 flavours as a vanilla Javascript microlib and as a jQuery plugin. Browser support differs between the jQuery plugin and the plain Javascript microlib. Specifically, the plain Javascript microlib does not support legacy browsers such as IE6-8. Use the jQuery plugin release if support for those browsers is required. Source is on GitHub

February 2017

CSS / jQuery - Why I Love Element Queries & You Should Too! - Hashnode

by 1 other
For the past three years, I've done a lot of research and experiments related to the idea of style scoping and element queries in CSS. Since experimenting with element queries, I've noticed a big transformation in how I write HTML, and the fine-grained nature of element queries has improved the way I write CSS too. In this article I am going to explain why I love Element Queries and how you can get started easily.

September 2015

jQuery - Does jQuery .remove() clear out loaded javascript when it is used to remove a script tag? - Stack Overflow

No. Once a script is loaded, the objects and functions it defines are kept in memory. Removing a script element does not remove the objects it defines. This is in contrast to CSS files, where removing the element does remove the styles it defines. That's because the new styles can easily be reflowed. Can you imagine how hard it would be to work out what a script tag created and how to remove it? EDIT: However, if you have a file that defines myFunction, then you add another script that redefines myFunction to something else, the new value will be kept. You can remove the old script tag if you want to keep the DOM clean, but that's all removing it does. EDIT2: The only real way to "clean up" functions that I can think of is to have a JS file that basically calls delete window.myFunction for every possible object and function your other script files may define. For obvious reasons, this is a really bad idea.

BOKMARKLET - jQuery UI dialog in Bookmarklet and GreaseMonkey - Stack Overflow

Thanks to some awesome answers in other threads, I learned how to: load jQuery and jQuery-UI in a bookmarklet load a CSS into a bookmarklet using jQuery create a DIV in a bookmarklet using jQuery create jQuery UI dialog (external link) and I could manage to combine all four things into a single script which works both as a BookMarklet and as a GreaseMonkey script, which is absolutely awesome.

May 2015

jQuery - Tuto - Use jQuery to extract data from HTML lists and tables | Encosia

Mapping the data within HTML unordered lists. Using .map() against an unordered list is one of the most straightforward examples to start with. Imagine you had this simple HTML markup: .map() like this: