public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags tagging & tag


Faviki - Social bookmarking tool using smart semantic Wikipedia (DBpedia) tags

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Faviki is a social bookmarking tool that lets you use Wikipedia concepts as tags. Faviki allows you to keep your own tags and connect them to common, universal concepts from the world's largest collection of knowledge!


ClipMarks : Capturez et bookmarquez des morceaux de pages, des paragraphes, etc...

With Clipmarks, you can clip the best parts of web pages. Whether it's a paragraph, sentence, image or video, you can capture just the pieces you want without having to bookmark the entire page.

Flickr: Flickr photo thumbnails on - Lifehacker

Bookmark and tag a Flickr photo with and a thumbnail of that photo magically appears in your bookmark list.

Bayimg - FFree uncensored image hosting

by 3 others
You can upload about 140 different formats.+.RAR +.ZIP-archives! If you upload an archive with multiple images, you'll also get an album-address for all the pictures inside of it. Tags are separated by spaces, Max file upload size is 100MB.

Autoblogger___Publish recent bookmarks marked with a specified tag

by 1 other
reads recent bookmarks marked with a specified tag and creates a link to them with the page title, as well as quote a random (filtered, given simple heuristics) excerpt of the text.

Créer des categories dans Blogger __Avec Delicious___Dicoco Light

Créer des categories dans Blogger (2/2)pour créer des catégories dans Blogger. Il s’agit de la méthode utilisant les « Tags ». Plus compliquée à initialiser, mais plus facile à utiliser. Permet ensuite d’avoir la liste des catégo

Google Tag Cloud Maker__Extension_permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags.

by 3 others
Permet d'afficher à côté de vos résultats Google habituels un de ces fameux nuages de tags. Celui-ci présente les mots les plus fréquents dans les résultats de votre recherche. Un clic sur l'un deux l'envoie dans la barre de recherche, permettant a

Bookmark Tags Firefox Extension

by 5 others
Bookmark Tags Firefox Extension - Une énième extension Firefox qui permet de classer ses bookmarks. Un petit plus quand même pour cette solution qui permet d'associer un lien avec plusieurs catégories comme on peut le faire dans ou blogmar

Netvibes welcome to the Delicious module

by 1 other
Netvibes welcome to the delicious module - Un module Netvibes pour gérer ses blogmarks

Blogmarks Extension :: Modules pour Firefox

by 2 others
Easily add a new blogmark ( thanks to a menu item in the context menu of the page. There are also toolbar buttons to add or view marks.

MusicBrainzEnabledApplications - MusicBrainz

MusicBrainz Enabled Applications This is a list of applications that have MusicBrainz support built in:

Jajuk Music Player ______Screenshot Tour: - Lifehacker

an open source, cross-platform jukebox with an innovative feature set.After using it for a couple of days, I've decided it's my new favorite (non-Linux) desktop music player. Jajuk's full of interesting ways to slice and dice your music, but there are a f

MusicBrainz' Classic Tagger

identifies files by their audio fingerprint, not by existing tags or filename. Very handy for tagging and filing large heaps of unsorted mp3s.


MusicBrainz - l'empreinte audio des morceaux - Projet issu de la « privatisation » de CDDB

by 26 others
Music Brainz est un autre projet issu de la « privatisation » de CDDB, avec cette fois-ci une ambition encore plus grande, puisque la base de ce projet n'utilise pas l'ID des disques mais l'empreinte audio des morceaux. La technologie est récente. MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. You can use the MusicBrainz data either by browsing this web site, or you can access the data from a client program — for example, a CD player program can use MusicBrainz to identify CDs and provide information about the CD, about the artist or about related information. You can also use the MusicBrainz Tagger to automatically identify and clean up the metadata tags in your digital music collections. Find out more in the introduction.

Scripted Re-Mark - Batch Editor for Bookmarks

by 2 others
his service helps you manage your bookmarks stored on popular social bookmarking site If you've ever wanted to make edits to all your bookmarks in one hit ("batch mode"),

nutr.itio.us____Outils Gestion Bookmark - Outils Collaboratifs

by 21 others
j'ai découvert tout récemment Ce bookmarklet remédie au problème principal de Delicious: la liberté donnée à chacun de créer ses propres rubriques - mots clés et par là même d'empêcher la mise en commun des ressources. En effet u

by 2 others
The community is awesome. Users like you have created a ton of interesting and useful services and tools that build on to add all kinds of features and options, and most of them are free (some are even open-source). We've made a li Randomizer

Each time you hit the Randomizer Button, will bounce you to a random new page recently bookmarked by other users. By visiting the help page devoted to Randomizer Buttons, you can grab a bookmarklet of your own to sta

worldinpictures.org____Flickr geotagging application

by 1 other
allows you to view photos taken at any worldwide location. When you enter a location above, this is converted into a latitude/longitude pair which is used to look up "geotagged" photos on the photo sharing site Flickr. If you want your own pictures to app