public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags svg & github

March 2020

SVGvs GITHUB - Why SVG Image Hosting is Hard (and how to do it for free)

Github also has a thing called ‘Gists’. Gists are designed for sharing small code samples of whatever you like. If you create a free Github account, you can add new gists to your account whenever you like. They’re 100% free. The interesting thing about gists is we don’t even have to be logged in to create one. If you open this page, paste in some text in, give it a filename and hit ‘Add file‘, you’ll have a publicly-accessible URL to an anonymous file. Of course, it’s probably easier to keep track of your files if you just create a free GitHub account from the start, but you don’t have to to try it out. How to Host your SVG in a GitHub Gist

August 2018

JAVASCRIPT - LIBRAIRY - GitHub - juliangarnier/anime: JavaScript Animation Engine

Anime (/ˈæn.ə.meɪ/) is a lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with any CSS Properties, individual CSS transforms, SVG or any DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects. Main features Keyframes: Chain multiple animation properties. Timeline: Synchronize multiple instances together. Playback controls: Play, pause, restart, seek animations or timelines. CSS transforms: Animate CSS transforms individually. Function based values: Multiple animated targets can have individual value. SVG Animations: Motion path, line drawing and morphing animations. Easing functions: Use the built in functions or create your own Cubic Bézier curve easing.