public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags social & tagging


Faviki - Social bookmarking tool using smart semantic Wikipedia (DBpedia) tags

by 1 other
Faviki is a social bookmarking tool that lets you use Wikipedia concepts as tags. Faviki allows you to keep your own tags and connect them to common, universal concepts from the world's largest collection of knowledge!


Autoblogger___Publish recent bookmarks marked with a specified tag

by 1 other
reads recent bookmarks marked with a specified tag and creates a link to them with the page title, as well as quote a random (filtered, given simple heuristics) excerpt of the text.


nutr.itio.us____Outils Gestion Bookmark - Outils Collaboratifs

by 21 others
j'ai découvert tout récemment Ce bookmarklet remédie au problème principal de Delicious: la liberté donnée à chacun de créer ses propres rubriques - mots clés et par là même d'empêcher la mise en commun des ressources. En effet u

Listible! - About : is a new way to get relevant resources quickly.

by 1 other
Listible is a new way to get relevant resources quickly. By using Web 2.0 features such as AJAX, folksonomy (tagging), social elements such as voting/commenting and the listible's listonomy (listing), resources can be sorted in a way that will be digestib

Tutorial Delicious : Comment faire des recherches dans The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users » Slacker Manager

by 24 others
* Tags: * Combined tags: * Popular: * Popular tags: * Users:

Pixrat: Social bookmarking for photos - Download Squad

Pixrat: Social bookmarking for photos Posted Mar 17th 2006 2:30PM by Jordan Running Filed under: Photo, Web services PixratPixrat is basically for photos. I don't say that disparragingly, though--Pixrat works as advertised and will definitely

BlinkList | Your personal start page and social bookmarking engine

by 114 others
bookmar en ligne , avec plusieurs possibilitées interressantes (watch list, partage de site ets...)