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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags navigation & interface


Adblock Plus - Dynamic Apply Button | userstyles.org___Last updated Jun 24 2008

Only displays the "Apply" button when you make a change to Adblock Plus. Why show a button that you can't click!? Browser Versions: - Works on Firefox 3 - Works on Firefox 2 Integrates With the Following Styles: + Adblock Plus - Custom Filterlist Window Background + Adblock Plus - Visual Alert if Disabled + Mr Tech's Toolkit - Dynamic Apply Button Window Applied to:

Change Text Highlighting Selector Color | userstyles.org__Last updated Apr 23 2008

Makes all highlighted (selected) text throughout Mozilla Firefox to have a custom color of your choice. Another excellent way to implement a new UI feature for your favorite web browser. ** Thanks to rude-dude for selected text color changer, upon which this style is based. Applies to: - All web pages - Address Bar text (locationbar) - Stylish Extension Manager - View Source - View Information - ... - Countless other windows and option panes Acknowledgments: Thanks to for the codebase CSS Release Additional Information: This style comes preloaded with the following style color: Background of selected text will be Dark Gray Foreground (or color) of selected text will be Lime Green, giving selected text a "console" or "Matrix" type look. Instructions: You may change the "background" and "color" HEX colors to match your favorite colors! The code is easily customizable and the color combinations are endless!

Flickr - Transparent Navigation Menus (WOW!) |

Flickr site navigation menus, You Home Organize Contacts Groups Explore, will be transparent... WOW! This style improves page visibility, allowing you to see all the web content behind the transparency. This makes Flickr even more awesome! * Thanks to b0at for the Google Autohide Dots: Search and Account Options, upon which I got the idea for this style! Features: + You Home Organize Contacts Groups and Explore will be transparent. + Menus will become more opaque when they are hovered over with the mouse cursor + You will be able to see the images and text behind the header menu (see thru) until hovered over Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Better Flickr Hyperlink Visited Color nav menus are also known as candy Changelog: + Added Transparency to the Search menu dropdown box

Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect.

With this style, Flickr will highlight the links that you have already visited. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for Flickr, which does not display the pages you have already visited in a separate color. This makes Flickr a lot more usable, so you do not go to pages you have already been to (visual history). * Based upon Roblesolido's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect. Features: + Purple href hover highlight text (customizable) + More Noticeable + Works on all links (a href) Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global) Future Releases: + I am currently working on an update that will disable the coloring of your usermenu (home, you, organize, contacts, groups, and explore)

Custom Hyperlink Visited Color (Global) |

Hyperlink Visited Styling for ALL WebPages. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for pages without their own form of displaying the pages you have already visited. * Based upon Roblesolido's Link: Visited hyperlinks with opacity effect. Features: - Purple href hover highlight text (customizable) - Will only show up on pages that don't already have a visited color. In the case of an purple background, or custom sites. If you want this style to show up no matter what, add !important between the last 0 and the : in the code. Works on both Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 Integrates with Custom Hyperlink Hover Color (Global)

Custom Hyperlink Hover Color (Global) |

Hyperlink Hover Styling for ALL WebPages. This style improves page navigation and element focus, for pages without their own form of mouse-hovering.

Flickr Quick Links –

The script adds customisable links to the top of every page on flickr next to the flickr logo. In order to add your own links, you need to edit the script, and edit the customhtml variable. you can put whatever html you want in that variable. and it will be displayed next to the Flickr Logo. I use it to put some shortcuts to various URLS that i access regularly.

taggrid screen shot on Flickr -16000 photos automatically arranged according to these tags ___Photo Sharing!

The basic idea is to make search on Flickr more comfortable. Llamerada wanted to display as many as 16,000 photos in grid style (retrieved by Flickr’s API and based on Flickr tags)


FLICKR - OLD - USERSCRIPT - Flickr YouTubr - lire directement video YouTube depuis Flickr

Ce mashup YouTube/Flickr permet de lire les vidéos directement dans FlickR si un lien vers une vidéo s’y trouve. Pour déclencher la lecture vous disposez d’un bouton supplémentaire. La vidéo sera lancé dans le cadre de la photo. Ne marche plus actuellement: j'ai posté une demande d'update le 29.05.2020....

TiltViewer - About

by 8 others
allows you to browse Flickr's most interesting images in a 3D space. It's designed to provide a fun, intuitive user experience. Images are pulled from Flickr's Interestingness list.

Geofeeds on Flickr - Geo RSS _ new

Fickr is now offering a rss geo feed and a google earth kml file. Open the kml file (found near the bottom of every flickr users latest page of photo), it open up in google earth showing my most 20 (ish) recent photos that i added geolocation data to in f

Amaznode____Carte des produits recommandés à partir de la base Amazon

by 4 others
carte des produits recommandés à partir de la base Amazon . A relation based search engine for amazon which is made with adobe flash9(as3). This search engine visualize a relatioon network of products in amazon, from the statistics data "customers who

Les services web ou l'espéranto numérique

Proposer à l'usager l'information dont il a besoin au bon moment, au sein d'une interface attractive, indépendamment des contraintes liées à l'hétérogénéité des sources de ces données.Le point sur les web services à destination de non spéciali

darckr username.jpg on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Darckr ; wrote to simply build a black web page that would honour my Flickr contact's photos, and that I could use as my welcome web page in my favorite browser (firefox). I like viewing photos on a black background, so this is the default appearance of D

My 500 Pixel Flickr Group Pages greasemonkey script and a customized version of High Res Flickr

by 1 other
The original script uses original size images and scales them to 1000 pixels. They can be slow to load and often look bad because the poor rescaler alogrithm used in Firefox introduces jagged lines and destroys textures.

GooFD: Google et delicious search navigation interface greasemonkey

Puts related links in your Google search results, and related Flickr photos in your Google image results

Google Images Re-Linker ____Google image navigation interface extension greasemonkey

Rewrites links in Google Images to point straight to the image instead of the thumbnail in a frame

Google Search Keys____Google navigation interface extension

Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26

Google Show Page greasemonkey

Shows the page number on the upper left on Google search result pages. Works great with Google Accesskeys. This is how it looks:

GoogleShowPageNumber__Greasmonkey extension

Shows the page number on the upper right on Google search result pages. Great in combination with [WWW]Google Access Keys