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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags jaquette & cover

19 March 2010 10:00

BIB - Librarything propose maintenant un webservice alternatif pour les jaquettes, comme c’est annoncé ici :

....cela pourrait être proposé aux anti-capitalistes, jusqu’à ce que Google ou Yahoo rachète LibraryThing…effectivement Librarything propose 1 million de couvertures libres : "A million free covers from LibraryThing : A few days ago, just before hitting thirty million books, we hit one million user-uploaded covers. So, we've decided to give them away—to libraries, to bookstores, to everyone. The basics. The process, patterned after the cover service, is simplicity itself: 1. Take an ISBN, like 0545010225 2. Put your Developer Key and the ISBN into a URL 3. Put that in an image tag, like so: 4. And your website, library catalog or bookstore has a cover."

decembre's TAGS related to tag jaquette

alternative +   amazon +   api +   bib +   bibliotheque2.0 +   book +   couverture +   cover +   database +   free +   isbn +   library +   library2.0 +   librarything +   livre +   opac +   opac2.0 +   web2.0 +   web:service +