public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags importer & reference

March 2010

Use Greasemonkey Scripts In Google Chrome - But, there are some limitations as well (as with Opera — which also supports some greasemonkey scripts) - Chrome does not support @exclude, @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, or any of the special GM_* APIs.

Well, here is how to run userscripts in chrome : * Add this flag to Google Chrome launcher : --enable-user-scripts - Now, create a folder in your user data directory. Name it as User Scripts. - Save your all GM scripts in this folder. - If you want to import all userscripts from Firefox — you need to do it manually. We have shown you the way to backup your Greasemonkey scripts. Just navigate to your GM script folder in Firefox data directory as describe in this post. Now, you can copy and paste every script’s file manuallyAnd, you are done! Restart the chrome — and visit any related site. It is quite possible that your favorite GM Script will do the magic. - Important fact : Chrome supports “Early Injection” – the ability to run scripts very early in the page’s lifecycle. In Firefox, userscripts run after page load. But in chrome, you can set it to run before page load. For this, you need to add an extra line in scripts meta data section : // @run-at document-start

August 2008

BibSonomy, un outil de social bookmarking créé par l'université de Kassel en Allemagne

Les utilisateurs de et de CiteULike ne seront pas surpris en découvrant BibSonomy, un outil de social bookmarking créé par l'université de Kassel en Allemagne. Cet outil permet d'engranger des signets mais aussi des références de publications au format BibTex. De plus, des fichiers BibTex (Il sert à gérer et traiter des bases bibliographiques.)ou des données en provenance de peuvent être importés. A noter aussi que les données postées peuvent être publiques, privées ou accessibles seulement à un groupe d'"amis".