GM - CustomButtons - Script Backup By Srazzano - Greasy Forum
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Author: srazzano
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CUSTOM BUTTON - Userstyles - Help! Is it possible to enable/disable a single script via keyboard shortcuts? - forum.userstyles.org
Toogle Style Lite: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/77691265/ToggleStyleLite.htm
Requires Custom Buttons extension: http://en.sourceforge.jp/frs/g_redir.php?m=jaist&f=/custombuttons/custombuttons-
Middle-click button for settings dialog to enter the ID# of the style to be toggled and other various options, including setting-up a keyboard shortcut (hotkey). Left-click button to toggle on/off style.
Style Toggler: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/77691265/StyleToggler.htm
Generates a list of all/selected styles with various options.
Custom Buttons • Format HTML
Highlight text in page textarea and click on format desired. Focus needs to be in page textarea for Dialog to display.
Style1 - Style10 buttons are preset with the displayed style
Customize the 10 preset styles at the beginning of the script (do not alter characters after !important;)
Texarea for user defined csss (retains last entry)
Optional short name for url's (retains last entry)
Quote name clears after each insert
Colorpicker or manually insert color value for fonts
(3 marks)