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PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags autopager & extension

November 2009

Search for AutoPage –

scripts qui ameliorent l'usage de l'extension Autopager

October 2009

Pagezipper - Extension Firefox - Automatically loads "next page" links

PageZipper automatically loads the contents of "next page" links right underneath the current page, so you can scroll down instead of clicking through. It's quite similar to another extension called AutoPager, and I like that it doesn't show its page breaks the way AutoPager does. Where PageZipper hasn't caught up with AutoPager yet is in the way it deals with tricky "next page" links. AutoPager lets you find them manually and train it, while PageZipper relies on its own (granted, very good) autodetection.

August 2009

[Firefox] SmarterFox remplace aussi AutoPager ou PageZipper -

une extension complète et très pratique pour Firefox, SmarterFox, qui pour moi est devenue indispensable tant elle fait gagner du temps. Cette extension regorge tellement de bonnes fonctionnalités que j’en ai oublié une fondamentale. Complètement par hasard je me suis aperçu que SmarterFox permet également le défilement à l’infini des pages web comme peuvent le faire AutoPager ou encore PageZipper.

Autopager - Create new ap rule for page without "next" in links - teesoft, make software to a tee

This works on AutoPager or newer version. This is the recording of the steps to create the rule for This demo shows how to create AutoPager rules for the pages which don't have "Next" in links. They only have a navbar includes all the page numbers like this: Page: [1], 2, 3, 4. The final link xpath get in this tutorial is: //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text()[contains(.,'[')]/following-sibling::a[1] Steps explains: //div[@id='obspoz']/p :select the navbar. //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text() : select the texts in the navbar since current page number does not have a node //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text()[contains(.,'[')] : select the text for the current page number. It will be easier if the current page number has a node, for example if it's a span with class='current': //div[@id='obspoz']/p/span[@class='current']. //div[@id='obspoz']/p/text()[contains(.,'[')]/following-sibling::a[1] : select the first link after the current page number text.

April 2009

Unpaginate Pagination Microformated Web Pages for Greasemonkey

This script will unpaginate any web pages augmented by the pagination microformat, into what traditionally (if somewhat incorrectly) has been called "endless" Google, Flickr, and similar, pages. In other words, a hack that loads the next page into the present one when you scroll within about half a screenful of the end, so you don't have to lose the pageful you have to load the next pageful -- it just gets inlined for you, instead. By itself, this script will do nothing at all, because it only contains the code that implements this unpagination; tailoring it to other sites is up to other, much, much smaller custom scripts anyone can write -- or indeed site authors may augment their site templates with, for the benefit of their visitors running this hack, should they want to.

AuttoPager is a Firefox extension which automatically loads the next page of a site inline - Teesoft, make software to a tee

.... when you reach the end of the current page for infinite scrolling of content. By default AutoPager works with a ton of sites, including Lifehacker, the New York Times, Digg, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, YouTube, flickr, live, msn, myspace, wikipedia, ebay,taobao,Twitter and, of course, Google. AutoPager is a free software. AutoPager is also an open source software.

October 2008

AutoPager Extension - Transparent Popup Menus |

When the AutoPager Firefox extension detects a stream-able page, the popup it displays will be transparent, allowing you to see the web content behind it. The popup will then return back to normal display when you Hover your Mouse over the popup! Obviously, you must have the Firefox Add-on "Auto Pager" installed (installer link below)

June 2008

jAutoPagerize – Userscripts.orgJ__just Another AutoPagerize (supports Firefox3, Safari3)

More hackable. I wrote AutoPagerize from scratch with some utility functions (like Mochikit Deferred, etc.) and tiny cross-browser supports. This script does NOT consider Firefox2, so may not be worked.

April 2008

New Tab on External Links for AutoPager –

Adds a target_blank to off-site links so that they can open in a new tab and in the background (tabbrowser set appropriately). Support Autopage script (Pagerization, Google Auto pager, etc)

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