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PUBLIC MARKS from dclemons with tags social & collaboration

04 October 2009 16:15

mobiShout(TM) Push Mobile Media

MobiShout™ is a mobile feedback tool used within the Push Mobile Media Platform™, posting immediate opinions and critical feedback gathered from the mobile workforce in real-time. This collaborative tool is designed to leverage all mobile devices that support SMS messaging, the mobile internet and or mobile email. Enabling MobiShout is simple. When users receive the mobile campaigns, they can navigate to the feedback section and provide answers to questions or post feedback related to the topic at hand. Information flows back to a real-time dashboard that is accessible to managers and executives. Your mobile audience is your best source for opinion gathering and collaboration regarding how your enterprise is viewed in the real world. MobiShout™ is a simple polling style feature that quickly collects critical information you require in a timely manner. All users who engage in offering feedback can access instant results and provide further opinions. MobiShouts are monitored by your enterprise managers offering immediate solutions and action items back to your employees, partners and customer base. Designed for all mobile devices as well as laptops, MobiShout™ only requires that each device have access to an internet connection. With MobiShout it’s easier to gather the intelligence your company needs from your own mobile workforce.

dclemons's TAGS related to tag social

collaboration +   enterprise +   mobile +