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PUBLIC MARKS from clarity with tags redness. & vitamins

05 May 2015 06:30

Top 10 food for great skin which keeps your skin younger and glowing

To get a great flawless skin, you don't need to rely on expensive beauty products, which have a side-effect too. But you can maintain a good skin by just keeping an eye on your diet and lifestyle. Here is a list of 10 best foods which can do miracle to your skin health. 1. Dark Chocolate- Dark chocolate contains a high level of flavonols, which is a great antioxidants. To get a luminosity to your skin, you should eat dark chocolate which is 70% cocoa and two square a day are enough. 2. Yogurt- The protein you get from dairy product is good for your skin as it makes it firm and resistant to wrinkles, so eat a cup daily to make your skin much smoother. 3. Pomegranates- pomegranates are filled with polyphenol antioxidants, it removes radicals and improves blood flow and gives rosiness to your skin. 4. Walnuts- Walnuts may look harder from outside, but it softens your skin, because it has natural omega-3 fatty acids whch improves skin's elasticity, so now snack on a handful of walnuts daily to regulate your skin. 5. Peppers- Women who eat green and yellow vegetables are tend to have lesser wrinkles, specially around the eyes. antioxidant properties of such vegetables decreases the skin's sensitivity to the sunlight. 6. Sunflower seeds- Loaded with vitamin E, sunflower seeds keep your skin supple by protecting its top layers from the sun. Eat a handful daily. 7. Kidney beans- They're high in zinc, and studies indicate a correlation between blemishes and low zinc levels. Have a four-ounce serving of kidney beans to help you stay in the clear. In addition, studies show topical zinc to be as effective against acne as antibiotics are. 8. Soy- Drink a latte with soy milk or eat edamame and you may get a clearer complexion. Soy contains minerals and proteins that have been shown to reduce hyperpigmentation. 9. Oatmeal- Steel-cut oatmeal is less processed than other varieties, so it retains more vitamins. "Plus, it takes longer to break down in your body, which helps keep your blood sugar stable. This is important because studies found that spiked blood sugar elevates your body's level of androgens, hormones that can contribute to wrinkles. 10. Green Tea- It's very high in antioxidants, particularly one named EGCG, which is proved to reduce redness,Studies have also demonstrated that green tea helps fight inflammation.

clarity's TAGS related to tag redness.

acne +   antioxidant +   cocoa +   dairy +   elasticity +   protein +   seeds +   skin +   vitamins +   wrinkles +   zinc +