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PUBLIC MARKS from clarity with tags laser & pigmentation

February 2016

Is laser hair removal safe?

Removal of unwanted hairs from your body parts are pretty tiresome and expensive too. You must have heard or read about various hair removal treatments which promise innumerable benefits and long time effects. One of the most effective and popular way of getting unwanted hairs from your body parts is Laser hair removal treatment. It is most effective, safe, long lasting and highly effective. In laser treatment, Targeted pulsed light is aimed at the pigment in the hair follicle. The light energy permanently destroys the structure that supports the growth of new hair

October 2015

Understand Skin Laser Treatments

Today’s laser skin treatment options are plentiful. Unlike years past where recovery periods could be long or where patients were concerned about explaining the healing process to friends, most laser treatments are now done comfortably and with little or no downtime – laser resurfacing is easier, better, and safer than ever. According to Chantal Ward, RN and Aesthetic Clinical Trainer, “Patients can have a wide range of conditions treated including wrinkles, sun damage, uneven pigmentation, scars, freckles, and birthmarks. With treatment options for almost every budget, most patients I consult with are pleasantly surprised at what can be done to repair skin and restore confidence.” Laser and light therapies such as Fraxel, Pixel, IPL (Photo Facial Rejuvenation) continue to be the most popular light-based therapies, as results are consistent.

clarity's TAGS related to tag laser

clarity +   effective +   freckles +   hair +   laser treatment +   pigmentation +   removal +   rosacea +   scars +   skin treatment +   treatment +