public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from christinamedia with tags "freelance writing" & "write online"

June 2007

Careers Writing Online

A career writing online can be accomplished by almost any type of writer. This is because there is a need for online writers, that exponentially increases each day. If you're a freelance writer, and aren't sure whether or not you want to delve deep into the under-web world of web writing, here is some more information to get you started.

April 2007

Freelance Writing Opportunities: Multiple Earning Streams!

I have recently come across an incredible website that offers multiple ways for writers to earn money through submitting articles, reviews and posting. With the many paid to post opportunities out there, and adsense revenue sharing sites like Orble and Gather, this site offers EVERY method of earning, all at one time and on each writing assignment you post!

March 2007

Freelance Writing: Online Portfolio Guide - Associated Content

Most freelance writers are self motivated, talented individuals; otherwise they would never aspire to work for themselves in such a competitive business. But, there is no easy way to communicate this fact effectively to potential clients, without offering them an online portfolio and/or online identity for you and your work.