public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from calang with tags electronic & music

January 2007

January 2006

November 2005

October 2005

April 2005

Opsound: Open Sound Resource - copyleft music and sound

by 2 others
Opsound is a record label and sound pool using an open source, copyleft model, an experiment in practical gift economics, a laboratory for new ways of releasing music. Visit the Opsound Open Pool for free copyleft music downloads. Musicians and sound artists are invited to add their work to the pool. Visit the Opshop for copyleft releases on the Opsound Label.

March 2005


by 2 others
i love

Tigersushi the music community

by 6 others
listen to rare releases of quality music, from underground and independent labels

Laboratory Instinct

je trouve ce site magnifique

calang's TAGS related to tag electronic

art +   club +   festival +   guide +   hiphop +   label +   live +   music +   paris +   shop +   street art +