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PUBLIC MARKS from alamat with tags fiction & action

12 July 2010 07:00

Movie Reviews: Predators 2010

If you’re wondering why this Robert Rodriquez re-update feels so close to home with the two “Predator” movies in 1987 and 1990 when you were expecting it to be another colossal CGI bore in the vein of say, “The Incredible Hulk” (2008), that’s because it’s based on ideas that the “From Dusk Till Dawn” (1996) and “Sin City” (2005) director developed more than 15 years ago after watching the originals. Ignoring the events in all the “AVP” spawns, the man commissions the able hands of Nimród Antal (“Kontrol” 2003, “Vacancy” 2007) to direct a largely satisfying picture that is dirtier, edgier and less pretentious than one would’ve thought

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