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PUBLIC MARKS from aflciopolitical with tags overtime & MinimumWage

27 February 2006

BeyondChron: San Francisco's Alternative Online Daily News ยป Guest Editorial: The End of the Eight Hour Day

February 27, 2006 On February 10th, the California Restaurant Association filed an initiative with the California Attorney General's office. They want to raise the minimum wage to $7.75. This has to be a first, a business group filing an initiative to in

23 February 2006

Capitol Weekly: Ballot initiative would boost minimum wage while reducing overtime

Thomas Hiltachk filed the "Fair Pay Workplace Flexibility Act of 2006" with the Attorney General on Feb. 10. If it makes it to the ballot and is passed by voters, it would lift the state's minimum wage from the current $6.75 to $7.25 on July 1, 2007, a

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