public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from aflciopolitical with tags MinimumWage & BallotInitiatives

06 April 2006

04.06.06 AR: House OKs minimum wage hike; Senate sends funeral protest bill to governor

LITTLE ROCK - Legislation to increase the state's minimum wage easily passed the House on Wednesday, virtually assuring that thousands of Arkansas workers will get a $1.10 an hour raise this fall. House Bill 1033 by Rep. Benny Petrus, D-Stuttgart, passed

31 March 2006

Petition calls for vote on raising state's minimum wage

OKLAHOMA CITY An initiative petition calling for a statewide vote on raising the state's minimum wage has been filed with the secretary of state. The petition by the group Raise Oklahoma calls for raising the minimum wage in Oklahoma from the federal mini

29 March 2006

Coalition pushing ballot initiative for $1.60 raise in AZ minimum wage

27 March 2006

03.24.06 OH: Minimum-Wage Raise Touted

Boosting the state minimum wage to $6.85 an hour — a proposal likely to appear on the November statewide ballot — would result in raises for 1 in 7 Ohio workers, according to a new study. An estimated 720,000 workers, 58 percent of them women, would b

03.24.06 MI: Democrats, labor drop minimum wage petition drive

Sponsors are pulling the plug on a petition drive to raise Michigan’s minimum wage, as Gov. Jennifer Granholm prepares to sign into law Tuesday an even higher minimum wage than the campaign sought. A campaign to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour

06 March 2006

California: How high should minimum wage go? | Asbury Park Press Online

March 6, 2006 Responding to soaring living costs in the town 70 miles south of San Francisco, supporters are collecting signatures for a ballot initiative that would make Santa Cruz the fourth U.S. city to adopt its own minimum wage. Employers would ha

01 March 2006

Henderson State Oracle - Minimum wage increase fires debate

February 27, 2006 by Martha Myrick Discussion in Congress is once again in progress over whether to increase the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.15. GARN (Give Arkansas a Raise Now), the coalition of proponents of a minimum wage increase, has re

27 February 2006

KOTV - The News on 6 - Minimum Wage Bill Clears State Senate Committee

February 27, 2006 OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) _ A Senate committee on Monday narrowly approved measures that would allow voters to decide on raising the minimum wage and permitting collective bargaining for municipal employees. The measures now go to the full Sen

Group wants minimum wage increase on the ballot

Holly Doyle, News 3 Reporter February 13, 2006 - 7:22PM (NEWS 3) - Michigan Needs A Raise. That's the name of a group launching an effort to raise the minimum wage in Michigan from $5.15 an hour to $6.85. The goal is getting it on the ballot. All

23 February 2006

Capitol Weekly: Ballot initiative would boost minimum wage while reducing overtime

Thomas Hiltachk filed the "Fair Pay Workplace Flexibility Act of 2006" with the Attorney General on Feb. 10. If it makes it to the ballot and is passed by voters, it would lift the state's minimum wage from the current $6.75 to $7.25 on July 1, 2007, a