public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags tech & fraud

November 2006

Man used MP3 player to hack ATMs

A man in Manchester, England has been convicted of using an MP3 player to hack cash machines. Maxwell Parsons, 41, spent £200,000 of other people’s money after using the machine to read card details. Parsons plugged his MP3 player into the back of free standing cash machines and was able to use it to read data about customers’ cards. That data could then be used to ‘clone’ cards and use them for bogus purchases.

July 2006

Tech 2 Blog :: Google pay 90M for click fraud settlement :: July :: 2006

An Arkansas judge Thursday approved a $90 million settlement between Google Inc. and advertisers who claimed the Internet search engine company improperly billed them for “clicks” that didn’t lead to genuine customers seeking their products. Miller County Circuit Judge Joe Griffin called the settlement “fair, reasonable and adequate”