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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags "plastic surgeon" & reviews

11 August 2010

Dr. Grigoryants Reviews Nasal Airway Obstruction

Nasal airway obstruction is very common. In fact many people may not know they have at least a partial obstruction of breathing as they may have never experienced what it is like to breath well. However, during examination a partial or complete nasal airway obstruction can be diagnosed. Many patients complain that they do not sleep well at night and experience difficulty breathing during exercises.

16 July 2010

Dr. Vladimir Grigoryants Reviews Septoplasty

Many patients presenting for rhinoplasty also undergo treatment of a deviated septum or septoplasty. The septum is a cartilagenous wall that divides the nose into right and left parts. Most people (as many as 80%) have a deviated septum. Mild septal deviation does not typically cause any symptoms, whereas more significant septal deviation may cause nasal airway obstruction symptoms. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure done to straighten the septum to treat the symptoms of nasal airway obstruction.