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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags "home loan" & "Secured Loans"

15 December 2007

Compare cheap personal, unsecured and secured loans

People are struggling to manage their debts and with a large number of fixed-rate mortgages coming to an end in the next year, it will become more difficult for the borrowers. Credit is likely to become even more difficult to obtain in the near future. Figures from an independent loan comparison website revealed that 38 per cent of people who had applied for a new credit card in the past three months were turned down. One-fifth of the applications for a new personal loan were also rejected.

23 October 2007

Talking of the Loans

A secured loan is a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a House/Property) as collateral for the loan. Secured loans relieve the lender of most of the financial risks involved; he may thus offer attractive terms for the borrower on interest rates and repayment period. For a homeowner it makes sense to use the value (equity) in your property to borrow at a special rate since with a secured loan a borrower gets choices about how much one can borrow and how quickly one can pay back the loan. Thus, a homeowner can get an affordable secured loan.